For Patients

Same-Day Crowns vs Traditional: What's the Difference?

Same-Day Crowns vs Traditional: What's the Difference?

If you are in need of a dental crown to protect a damaged tooth, your dentist may recommend two options: same-day crowns or traditional crowns. 

Getting your pain fixed in just one appointment sounds like an excellent idea, but is this procedure really right for you? 

Here's what you need to know about same-day dental crowns vs traditional ones so that you can make an educated decision. 

Same-Day Crowns vs Traditional: How Does the Process Differ?

As the name suggests, "same-day crowns" means that the dentist will take impressions of your tooth and place the crown within the same day, during just one appointment. 

As opposed, traditional crowns can take a few days or even weeks, and at least two visits to the dentist's office until your smile is fully restored. During the first visit, the dentist will take an impression of your tooth and prepare it for the procedure. Then, the dentist will send the impressions to the lab where the technician will create the crown. This step usually takes a few weeks.

Once the crowns are ready, you will have to go for another appointment when the dentist will place the crown. 

In the case of same-day crowns, the dentist will use a 3D camera to take photos of your tooth and measure it. Then, they will send the impressions to their team where they will create a crown fitted for your tooth. 

Advantages of Same-Day Crowns

One of the most obvious benefits of same-day crowns is that they will save you time. You can have the procedure done in just one day and within one visit, which makes the entire process faster and more convenient. 

Same-day crowns are also more comfortable as patients don't have to go to multiple dentist appointments and that can ease their anxiety. 

Moreover, since the crowns are made-to-measure on the same day, they will fit perfectly. 

Disadvantages of Same-Day Crowns 

Same-day crowns are more expensive than traditional ones and are not the right fit for everyone. Traditional crowns can be made from a variety of materials while same-day ones only use ceramic. As a result, same-day crowns are not as durable as traditional ones. 

Book a Consultation 

Do same-day crowns sound like a good idea? At Westside Dental Studio, we have the technology and expertise to take accurate impressions of your tooth and help you get a dental crown that is just the right fit. 

We begin by thoroughly examining your tooth and overall oral health to make the best recommendations based on your specific needs. We do this in a calm and friendly atmosphere so that you can feel relaxed while in the dentist's chair. (Yes, it is possible!) 

If you would like to learn more about our services or schedule your visit, book a consultation now. 

Same-Day Crowns vs Traditional: What's the Difference?

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